Friday 22 February 2008

Peace and coal

The latest candidate to reveal they don't believe policy to be worth considering before running is Justus Rollin'-Rollin'-Rollin'-Raw-hiiiide, the LSE's very own, real-life, stuck-in-a-60's-time-warp hippie. All he want's to do, besides growing his hair, is continue 'all the other great environmental things going on at the LSE', like having recycling bins too small to manage a copy of the Beaver, or blasting out cold air-conditioning across campus during winter? So essentially, he'll most likely do whatever the Welsh Carp demands of him.

But what if a righty wins GenSec? Rather than sharing a new eco-power-plant with Kings, perhaps he'll be made to design one just for us that runs on coal imported from China, mined by 10-12 year olds that are physically maleable enough to reach all those nooks and crannies?

If that's economically viable, of course.


Anonymous said...

I can't help but feel disillusioned with your apparent lack of insight here as I recently observed that Mr Rollin has cut his hair.

''Vote RON for Hack Attack Hack for witty and incisive journalism!!''

Anonymous said...

I can't help but feel disillusionment with your lack of insight here. I have recently observed that Mr Rollin has cut his hair.

''Vote RON for Hack Attack Hack: for witty and incisive journalism!!''