Friday 29 February 2008

Another new dawn, and hazy morn

This Hack-a-waster suspects that it is not the only baby to be feeling flakey today.

The SU activist posse demonstrated a new level of abloteration last night, so 'pro-crazy' that it almost brought an end to the steller TV coverage of the event. The Hack Attack thrived in the festivities: the tension, the drama, the teers, the abuse, the aggro, the celebration and, by the wee smalls, the booze induced dis-orientation.

Pleased, are us, with the results. On one hand, it's going to make sitrring up SU shit a whole lot easier next year. On the other, the prospect of a 'better Union for us all'; there's a degree of calibre in the elected candidatums.

A tight slap on the back to Welsh Fish-fiddler, The Hair Hacker, Our Saviour and Odd-bod for winning their places as our prize chumps next year. The Hack Attack is pleased with the results, and those of the less important cretins, and is already planning how best to make their lives excruciating agaony - in the loveliest, lovey way possible.

An bad luck to the losers, who probably didn't deserve to win anyway. That's why you lost. If any of the less fortunate candidates would like to drop us a comment telling us how they feel, that would be appreciated; the Hack Attack knows not how it feels to lose.

Special hugs to Jimmy 'Pale-lips' C for putting his ass on the line for the Hack Attack, and Baron Andrew Hallibut XIV for his close-up writing skillz.

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