Wednesday 27 February 2008


SU candidates literally get wet on endorsements.

As the society endorsements trickle through, varies candidates have been seen ejaculating all over the floor, showing no regard for those around them or their own dignity. Aled 'I'm-so-green-and-wholesome it's-making-everyone-vomit' Fisher has been unmoved by the poor cleaners' extra workload, presumably because he feels his actions legitimised after pestering the School to give them a Living Wage.

Our potential chumps love endorsements so much because a) LSE students are all so brainwashed by cash they they are incapable of questioning anything their meager societies tell them and b) because certain societies have huge stockpiles of mungos, so securing an their endorsement can mean a lot of votes in the bag. This is handy if you are a completely incompetent candidate, who has no charisma, no ideas, no life, no sex-appeal, are 110% minging and loves the SU more than Ketters wants to hump the Constitution were it biologically feasible. This is exactly why all the candidates want endorsements, apart from Baron Hallibut XIV, who feels that this ghastly way of acquiring votes highlights the proletariat nature of of the rest of the field. He is opting for a 'classier', more bourgeoisie approach.

If that's you're vibe Baron, get a hair cut, perhaps like the one below. Only proles don such an unkempt head-piece.

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