Tuesday 19 February 2008

So this is it...

So the candidates have been announced and the union breathes a collective sigh of indifference. Only six candidates will contest the Gen Sec Race after Bashful decided that the post was below him. Dozy O’Brien hopes that Shouty Dilwyn Fisher and Crazy Stephen Wall will destroy each other in a violent culmination of their raging sexual tension. That, or that Stevo will snap having been asked one too many times if anyone has seen his lucky charms. This would leave her the only viable candidate in the race, with her only competition being Captain Unelectable Andy Hallett. Emmanuel runs unopposed on a pro-love, anti-rainy days ticket, having been called to the office by destiny, passion, and an easy 22 grand. For treasurer Wil ”that’s one ‘l’ remember guys, it’s like my thing” Barber will campaign on a strong ‘give me another year to decide what I want to do with my life’ message. His main hops for victory being that his opponents are the pointiest man in the world and a perennial hack that makes the guy that runs the copy shop look like a well rounded social butterfly. As for Comms, Dan Sheldon will once again step up to the plate, and take on the mighty combined forces of Abz (former member of boyband Five, part time Pro Palestine Campaigner and the closest thing the Union has to a village idiot) Ziyaad (whose ill-advised campaign is likely to split Abz’s vote – note the use of the singular there) and Gab Disandolo (who Sheldon is most scared of considering she is both more physically attractive than him and not as much of a nutter as the rest of his competition). Will he finally take it this time? Whatever happens he’ll be around campus a lot this year. After all, rent is so expensive in London…

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