Monday 18 February 2008

Quick message from RAG

Hi Guys!!

It's Ben Phillips here just letting you lot know about this week... it's Ben Phillips Week here at the LSESU! Check out all the wonderful events we have lined up for this most special of LSE weeks:

Ben Phillips Quiz - How much do you know about me? Hopefully, loads: I'm Ben Phillips!

Ben Phillipsathon - Six members of Pulse sleep with me for a week. Sheldon pulls out early.

Blind Ben Phillips Dating - Can you guess who is chatting you up? Yes it's me, Ben Phillips!

Sponsored Stage Vomit - How many times can you do a 'Ben Phillips' during the Pulse broadcast in the Quad?

Also available all week is exclusive 'London School of Ben Phillips' merchandise... grab it while its hot.

Keep it foolish,
Ben Phillips
P.S. This message was in no way related to my campaign for International Students Officer. Honest.

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