Thursday 21 February 2008


Farid Butt-face.

What are you like, eh?

After someone exposed Butt-head's biggest weakness in his iron-fist-control over PakSoc - he supposedly tells porky-pies to hyperbolic proportions, and gets away with it - he is resting on his heels. Though, he's not worried. No, no, no. In fact, you should be worried. 'Cos he's got a stockpile of individual nuclear attacks to use on candidates that do not fear his wrath! The Hack Attack does hope that this chap doesn't invoke deterrence theory on the A-R campaign, which is a possibilty seeing as it is apprently the sovereign territory of the PakSoc Massive (which is anti-reason; anti-A-R).

And if they don't win it, how else will Butt-face make his crew appear SU political heavyweights with influence?


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