Tuesday 19 February 2008

The Abz way

This Hackabee literally thought it couldn't get any worse for ex-boy band frontman Abz.

After an illustrious carrer in '5ive' he decided to go all political and become untrusted by his fellow countrypeople as thier temporary leader for BangSoc. But, oh no, that wasn't enough. So he's now deviously attempting/ed some sort of coup, re-writing the sacred constitution to read something along the lines of:

'People of BangSoc. These are the words of your saviour. I be he, and he be I, and I is Abz, init. I shall do as I, as he, as we being I, shall please, because I am him. Never again shall a mere mortal have the audacity to question my omni-impotence.'


For fear of losing his almost certain Comms victory (in his own sick, twisted mind), the Village Idiot has successfully pressured wobbly, wacky Ziyaad Lunatic into stepping down from the race. The desired affect was two-fold: to have all the Lunatic's votes re-allocated to himself and to make 'Odd-bod' Sheldon shit himself, with only the manky East Building showers to clean himself up in. But, alas, voters often respond badly to pushing and shoving, except when it's Prescot rightly chucking a left hook at an egg-trowing bastard.

Finally, you've got to be better than our dearly departed Gossip Queen (R.I.P) at stirring mischief. The ex-5ive frontman told Brown Town that his A-R competitor, Jam-sandwich Spread, admitted that the lad would be better suited for the job than her. O...and any other SU elected post for that matter.

It's incredibly scary moments like this that one has to find solice in good ol' Winston's remark:

'Democracy is the worst form of government...except for all the other kinds.'


Anonymous said...

To clarify my comments to abz; i said he is a good candidate and it would be a shame because he could have easily won any other seat uncontested.

Anonymous said...

This is an absolutely ludicrous post!

I did not tell Seph Brown that Mariam would be better suited for the job than him. Seph is a competent candidate and so is Mariam. Clearly, Seph has been exagerating comments I made to him in light of our C&S solidarity. The race will be closely watched and I believe whoever wins will do a fantastic job.

Your allegation that I pressured Ziyaad to pull out is completely baseless and unfounded. Ziyaad pulled out due to his own personal reasons that you can question him about.

I haven't committed political suicide in any manner and am a viable candidate. I see this article as a negative campaign against me and will be asking the Returning Officer to restore parity in the Comms Race!

Hamjackson said...

Unfortunately Abz there are a couple of little probs with your comment, first of which is that you're living up to you're alias as you have managed to read quite the opposite of what the post says. Secondly, electronic mails do not have the capacity to 'exagerate', as they are fixed bits of data flying around the interweb.

Please remember that the Hack Attack never claims to tell any portion of the truth, and that all posts should be taken with a big fat tablespoon of salt. It is here to gossip, expose rumour and be generally michevious to add just a touch of excitement to our otherwise sorry and drab political existences.

Our policy is to treat all candidates equally; even if it is like shit.

Anonymous said...

In light of the latter paragraph of your post feather hustler, I accept that I did over-react :-)

P.S. Why am I the village idiot, I thought I was more charismatic than that! :p

Anonymous said...

go s*** fish!