Sunday 22 February 2009

Panning for gold

Nominations close at 5pm on Monday, and this weekend sees the final shakedown of all that Union detritus, and the little flecks of gold emerging from the swill.

Latest rumours circulating about the place? Mass-Debater is causing quite a panic amongst those candidates already declared who see him as the Scupperus Ex Machina, avec bouffant, sans baggage, and with a halo of integrity surrounding him. This Hack Attacker has also heard unconfirmed rumours he can walk on water, turn water into wine, and once managed to make an Iceland pack of Vol au vents go a really long way at a party. Anyway, depending on who you listen to, he's either declared already, is thinking about it, or has decided against it. And he's going for Treasurer or Gen Sec, probably. Like I say, panic spreads wild rumours...

Eh-Man-You-Well? has also started to worry a little now that he has more than just Not-A-Chance-In-Hel-en and Fuckley to run against. Apparently running against a genuine opposition won't be as easy as last year's race, where RON tried, but ultimately went a bit Steve Wall...

And Oddbod ain't running (yet). After all that hard work this past year!

(Meanwhile, the Flabbs realise that now they've moved into an office with windows in the Quad, everyone can see just how much time they spend sitting around doing nothing...)

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