Sunday 1 February 2009

The Claws are Out- the Lefties lose their Fluffiness

So the bourgeois tea party in the Old Theatre may have come to an end (much to the regret of top honcho Seph ‘champagne socialist’ Brown). But the aftermath has left the Occupiers with a bitter taste in their mouth. Some of the filthy comrades have acquired the capacity for more than one face as rumours fly from one end of the secret meetings in the Quad to the other.

The reason? Well, they are busy wondering which puppet they will chant ‘well he’s a jolly good fellow’ to at the S-Schmooze election 2009. Hack Attack is sure Ali Moose- Savster will be getting his grimy little tentacles into the whole torrid affair.

Brownshite and Dilhole Fishy have spent most of the week with painted smiles on their faces while behind each others backs like schoolboys, they mouth off to Lefties about all the votes that they think they will secure. Too bad the Occupiers and appointed Lefties were swallowing every festering morsel and burping it back out to the other candidate.

Rumour has it that Lefties are confused, as two clones are busy trying to give each other a black eye in order for the ‘people’ to see the difference between the two. Let’s just hope that they don’t both end up with bruised faces while a terrible Tory trots past and nabs the spot, screaming ‘long live the BNP.’

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