Wednesday 4 February 2009

LSE: Not for Snow Day

Members of the Facebook group for socialist conspiracy LSE Not for Profit will have received an urgent update about the Glorious Revolution on Monday: THE LIBRARY IS CLOSING AT 5PM!

Presumably jealous of Oddbod's vaguely comical Facebook homages to Snow Day 2009, Mr. GenSec used just about every campaign list and group he had access to and claimed some of the fun for himself. The Not for Profit campaign, perhaps the only real challenge posed to Credit-Crunch Masterminder Davies in some time, has now become another bog-standard Union mouthpiece. Nice one Aled.

It was the second piece of bad news of the day for the anti-capitalist, pro Macbook brigade after their 'protest' to hand in their letter to our lovable Director was slewn by Snow Day itself.

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