Monday 16 February 2009

Give us your fucking votes... er... money

Ah Facebook, such glorious diversion. And fertile ground for those of us wishing to see what our favourite election candidates to be are up to...

We see Aled rediscovering his left-wing roots. Aled, who refuses to stand for the national anthem (the swine), yet falls to his knees before the Queen and Prince Philip, awfully 'spectful like ma'am, doff my cap to 'em, gawd bless 'er. Who, despite promising 'a campaigning Union' last election, despite being long-standing supporter of the Palestinian cause, passed on the opportunity for genuine campaigning when the occupation came round. But never fear, he's back in the fold now, with a great big Palestine ribbon for his profile picture, and status updates loudly proclaiming how much money he's raised for Medical Aid for Palestine, and how modest his 'part' is. Haha. Full marks should also go to Sephallis Brown, who also gets a great big MAP status, photos of him fundraising etc. ad nauseum. Just who those block voters (because we all know Pal/ISoc are just mindless drones right?) go for remains to be seen...

We see ShelBod attending a great slew of events, and probably spending a lot of time with HellOn Earth (Or 'Melons' Roberts as she apparently calls herself) for the next week or so. Not sure who that's worse for, but if there's any justice in the world they'll end up making babies live on air for the PuLSE RAGathon. It's for fucking charity guys! Come on! If you don't have sex, it'll mean they both hate charity. (Please continue this sort of peer pressure at your own discretion)

In fact, sweet Jesus, if we go through all the other candidates to be, we realise RAG week is destined to be one great big Hack clusterfuck of bitching, backstabbing and palm-pressing. It's all about face time right?

This particular writer has nothing (much) against charity, but doesn't the whole thing just feel a bit sordid when it just becomes a platform for desperate publicity seeking? Where, for example, is Ben 'that tall hairy guy who stands up at the UGM and talks every week' Jones? Another victim (cf Emma Fischer) along the path of Hackery?


Anonymous said...

What about Bacon? Surely he's King Shameless this year: putting in wrecking motions, pretending to be Deputy Returning Officer and then prancing around in his ridiculous RAG PJs.

Beggars belief.

Anonymous said...

Fucking hell. Will the Sabbs ever let go of their own egotistical wank fest and forget about Bacon for a while....

Just as the Sabbs and incumbent exec will surely resort to a bitching session should anyone attempt to criticise them, or, fuck me, not know their names, its highly hypocritical (but apparently fair game) to bully James Bacon rather than looking at their own failures, meaning they have no other career alternatives than to bag that 26k for round two, bullying away any competition by sending in the mafioso.

What a sorry state the SU is in.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't make much of a difference as all the hacks are already out on Houghton Street, thereby cancelling out any (perceived) advantage one might have by collecting for charity.