Thursday 13 March 2008

Wet Beaver

Shock result for the Beaver editorship: Joseph "Useful Idiot" Cottager won the day over Aled's Green buddy Mike 'Charley Says' STDeas. Meeting was packed with Beaver hacks and Deas-friendly lefties and went on for what seemed like an eternity. Maybe a taste of Sunday nights to come for those lucky few who made it onto the Ed Board.

Rumour has it that Camp Dilwyn is disappointed with the result. De-ass is unlikely to disappear next year: seems like a special position near the top of the Beaver tree will be created especially for him. Awww... those Beaver people are really nice!

What does this outcome bode for Beaver-Sabb relations? We shall see.


Anonymous said...

Who gives a f*** what the new sabbs think? Come on Dan you wrote the article, try taking your head out your arse!

Anonymous said...

You tell us, Dan!

Lucie said...

Couldn't wait to read that post...

Anonymous said...

great result! some space for people at lse still for people who have opinions of their own...

Anonymous said...

I love the way whenever a right winger gets elected they are seen as having a "mind of their own" like it's particularly difficult to hold mainstream political views which support the status quo! Opinions of their own? You mean by arse-licking Peter "corporate manslaughter" Sutherland and Howard "I lied about fees last time, what do you think i'll do next time?" Davies?

The beaver is shit and always will be as long as it elects right-wing 'pragmatists' with no idea about why the paper exists and what it should be doing (read the London Student for a rough idea)!

...and its not just to take the piss of of the SU Executive. Start attacking the School and how they waste our money whilst saying they don't have £18k for the library to open. Whilst the beaver bangs on about letters the Exec are writing, Davies is probably writing to the government begging for the cap to be lifted.

Sort it out you numpties!

Anonymous said...

Well said, you numpties!

LSEoccupation said...

you can't claim credit for STDdeas im afraid dan.i've been called that since high school.

and, by the way, writing hackattack isnt in the remit of comms officer and if I catch you blogging whilst you're on the job you can count on me to *ahem* hold you to account :)


Anonymous said...

It has been mentioned to me that a certain virus Endorsus Candidatus Majorus has been plaguing student union sabbs. It comes in forms of Redus Kenus, but the most recent (anti)-virus trait Geogallus was found here:
Aled Dildo, the Gen Sec elect, anti-endorsing Galloway.
The virus is spreading and is very contagious!!!!
Scientists are looking for evidence of a deadly Borus Endorsus, but fortunately it seems that sabbs are immune to it.