Monday 3 March 2008

ULU VP jumps sinking ship

Now we know how much LSE students love ULU (bare jokes!), but given that we stuff their pockets with so many thousands each year, you may be interested in this weekend's drama.

Ashley McQuitter has pre-empted UL's reduction of the number of Sabbs by resigning immediately, citing irreconcilable differences with the 'leftie nutjob' Prez Jenny. He follows a long line of ULU Sabbs to quit the job. Perhaps it is because of shit they get from the University, the dire financial state of the Union, or maybe the high concentration of extremely poor quality student politicians who dare venture to Malet Street?

Here is the leaked email in all its gruesome glory.

After taking a period of time to consider my position at ULU, I have decided that with immediate effect I have no other choice than to resign from the office of Vice-President of the University of London Union.

The reason for my resignation is due to the complete break down of communication and the subsequent conflict between myself and the ULU President, Jennifer Huseman. I have had very little productive contact with the President since the ULU Senate in January at which I tried to air my concerns regarding her performance, commitment and attendance at ULU. Sadly, this had no affect on the situation with the President; it only served to increase the President's hatred and aggression towards me.

I feel forced into this position by the hostile attitude and behaviour directed towards myself from the President and can no longer continue to work at ULU under such circumstances. The stress and pressure which this has put upon my health, life and general well-being is unacceptable and I cannot continue in this way for the next 5 months.

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I am forced to take this decision; there was so much more that I was looking forward to accomplish in my time remaining at ULU. I would like to thank my fellow Vice-President's Joe Martin and Deigo Carmona for their continued support during this hard time and wish them the best of luck for the remaining time at ULU.

Ashley McAlister
1st March 2008

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