Friday 7 March 2008

No show from Dick Whittington

Or Brian "hot boyfriend" Paddick. But we had our sham of a Mayoral debate anyway.

Sian "doing it for the fit" Berry took time out of her busy schedule of not driving 4x4s to brown nose our own Green Saviour, Dildo Fascist-Fisher. Vomit inducing.

In the Trot corner, Lindsey Germinates looked about as outdated as her policies. RESPECT my arse.

Highlight, though, was Ed Laizhy's fightback to his perceived "establishment stitch-up", putting down ridiculous outbursts from Konstitutional Ketts [who has now become a parody of himself] and protesting about Aled "the Green Party stooge". Very incisive considering he ventured into our Union for a matter of minutes!

The only person who came out of it with any respectability was LSE's own Tony Travers. Question: "who here likes bendy buses?".
Audience: "WE DO... FREE BUS!".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...has our beloved HA taken a massive swing to the right??? (Which would mean that it was one of about, um, one credible right-wing activists in the current union)