Friday 7 March 2008

Juxaposition of the century

Last night, the great and good of our Union filed into the Quad for an evening of mutual masturation over how good and progressive we all are. Sam 'London Citizens is my life' Causton shook off that last remain bit of Public School guilt by preaching the gospel of Living Wage one last time. We even had a few cleaners speak to us about how thankful they were to all the committed activists who changed their lives. It made this Hack feel warm and fuzzy inside.

All was going well until someone asked "Can you tell us what difference the Living Wage has made to your life?" (answer: not much, really).

Even better was the question: "What can we, as students, do to make your lives, as cleaners, easier?". The poor lady recalled a particularly messy collection of rooms she and her colleagues struggled to tackle last week. Apparently some students had left the 3rd floor of the Old Building in quite a state, with broken windows, litter and naughty graffiti everywhere. Sound familiar? Cue ashened faces from the guilty Hacks in the audience.

Elsewhere in the East Building, the Celtic Clique were having a Whiskey 'tasting' session, interspersed with a poor 2nd year trying to conduct a quiz/information session over the loud 'banter' of the audience.

The meeting was like an inverse image of the Social Justus wank-session below. Political incorrectness galore: Steve "Quasi-Human" Wall was giving it large, Doug "Gordon Brown" Oliver was doling out the booze and Crazy Welshname + the remnants of Team Daisy were soaking it up.

"Dream Team! DREAM TEAM! What an UNFORTUNATE term!" was Steve WTF Wall's opening gambit when Billy Barbershop walked in with his leftie possie. He was already busy berating Odd Bod for being a vacuous shit, telling him to get his ridiculous hair cut. Wil duly volunteered to do the honours.

The night ended, as it always does, with a Tuns throw out. Wall could be heard repeating his mantra of "300 votes... not bad for an anti-disabled Irish postgrad bigot!".

Indeed, Steve. Buy the man a whiskey. But I'll tell you who the Tuns isn't serving... Steve Wall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the astute observer would have noted that LSE campus cleaners are not yet being paid the living wage; their pay is being incrementally increased to the LW by 2009 (if memory serves). So far, campus cleaners have had a rise of around 50p.