Wednesday 5 March 2008

Sausage Watch

So far, on Sausage Watch:

  • James wins Returning Officer unopposed. He uses this mandate to cast his judgement on everything the SU does... did he miss the part of his job description that mentions elections?!
  • Despite not being on the Exec, Bluetooth Sausage insists on coming to every meeting to give his tuppence worth. Oh dear.
  • James Sausage wins the prized position of Pulse Admin (unopposed)... is there no stopping this belligerent bureaucrat?!
  • Sausage heightens his fame by imposing his iron fist and silky tongue on the masses during election night.
Next stage:
  • Sausage runs for C&S, willy waving his superior constitutional knowledge and further enhancing his jobsworthy civil servant image.
  • After a year of combining the serious SU stuff with 'the lighter side of James Sausage' Pulse play, Jimmy Eat Girl declares: but which Sabb post is he going for?
  • Failing to win GenSec, James realises that you need to be either:
    • a) popular
    • b) a born leader
    • c) charismatic

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