Sunday 2 March 2008

The power of patronage

Incase you hadn't noticed already, LSESU is a strange place. As is traditional, the post-election period is filled with backslapping, commiserating and award giving. But in our bizarro-world Union, we have no such thing as a Laurels Committee to decide, fairly, who should be given honorary life membership of our Union. No, no, no, no! It is our all powerful executive committee who decides who is worthy of such an accolade, such is the feudal nature our SU.

This ultimately means that most our peerages get given to members of the committee themselves. What a coincidence! The big question is which exec members will be deemed unworthy of such honour? And which failed Sabb candidates will get a certificate? Will Steve 'Joey Deacon' Wall walk away with anything more than a bruised ego?

You they decide!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Joey Deacon: Nicely done sir, nicely done; how many monkeys do you have on the job? Bruised ego? I think I did rather well for a one-term Postgraduate, Anti-Disabled Bigot; Three times Hallett's vote count, if you don't mind; If O'Brien hadn't stod, who knows?

I also believe I deserve a prize; I am great after all, and I livened up the annual drab-a-thon which is election time, exposing the vacuity at it's core.

My best to all your team, including the monkeys.

P.S. Keep an eye out for my saucy C&A article in this week's Beaver.

Warmest Wishes,

Steve Wall