Monday 3 March 2008

Moan elections?

Helen 'whining-is-my-past-time' Roberts has whacked in an official complaint to the overlords of the Union (C&S) over the teeny-tight victory of Less-Em-Pressive,-more-Fishy.

Her grounds to whine more than usual are fair: The Empress sent out mass grey area mails , abused her huge power as a Facebook group admin. to get her members to vote and was taken off the street for a while for doing something rather dodgy.

With 3 votes in it, we may see a repeat of the Krebbers vs. Ye Pointy One (you couldn't make Treasurer this year) palaver, where the close 1st vote sent the voters to a new ballot.

Or the ballot may yet stand. We wait to see how Baron Andrew Hallibut XIV deals with this.


Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

I said in my UGM speech that the proudest achievement of my life was getting into LSE - but I think that's been topped by becoming General Secretary. It hasn't really sunken in yet, but today and writing this note I think I am finally getting my head around what I'll be doing next year. To call myself General Secretary of the LSESU might be the biggest honour I ever get and I will always say it with pride. I can't wait to get going - if only these annoying exams would get out of the way and let us start!

There is no way I could've got elected on my own. When I came here 3 years ago, I would never have been able to believe it was possible and, to make it a reality, I've relied on help from a wide range of people, all of whom I want to thank publicly. So here goes - a massive thank you to the following people who helped, in no particularly order.

Before I do that though, a quick thanks to the other candidates for making it fun and meaningful, and congrats to all the other winners - I'm really looking forward to next year now! Also thank you to lots of people - too many to mention - that have moved on from LSE and I may have omitted. Rest assured I have not forgotten you!

OK, here goes - thank you to:

James Bacon - yes, for being a great Returning Officer. But for also being a super hard working Exec Officer, even though you're not actually on the Exec! You've been amazing.

James Ketteringham - thanks for giving advice and your vote. Your thanks also meant a lot.

Rachael O'Rourke - for being a great campaigner and someone I'm looking foward to working to next year.

Sacha Robehmed - ditto for you too! Thanks!

Hudda Khaireh - you're a legend and I admire your activism. Thanks for being so cool!

Hannah McAslan - thanks for your congratulations and your friendship. Hope Rwanda was as awesome as it sounds!

Zoe Watson - for all your support even when you're ill! You always brighten up everyone's day so I hope I see you soon.

Kirsten Eiler - for international solidarity!

Ana Shadrina - thanks for your support! Hope I get to see more of you next year!

Erica Gornall - for being the best reporter on campus and a great friend.

Maria Gratsova - you're a legend! Thank you for your solidarity.

Ashley Tan - thanks for all the help you did behind the scenes!

Massimo Ungaro - for support and solidarity! Graze milla!

Zoe Cooke - gonna be mad working with you, Cookie! Bring on next year.

Lizzie Merrow - looking forward to next year! You're going to do a great job.

Luke Cooper - for putting up with my shitness at getting rooms booked and still supporting me! One solution...

Leila Haddou - for being an awesome tea friend, and someone I can rely on for great advice! Hope to see you around for plenty of teas still to come this term.

Sam Causton - for being an amazing campaigner and a top guy. Living Wage stuff wouldn't have happened without you, and you are way too modest! You are going to missed more than I think any of us can understand.

Alexandra Vincenti - not for the heckling, but for sticker advice, support and being an amazing Sabb! Have missed you being around.

Louise Robinson - for everything over the past years.

Joe Meadway - for shouting supportive messages in between being an amazing part of Wil's campaign!

Kayt Berry - thanks for working so hard as Comms and making the Exec fun!

Libby Meyer - for being an extremely hard-working Sabb and great line manager. And thanks particularly for the advice you gave me before the campaign began.

Ruhana Ali - your advice was invaluable. And your concern for my welfare throughout the year has been amazing - it's really got me through at times! Exactly what I expect from an amazing Ed/Welfare Officer!

Sophie de la Hunt - you're a legend and the AU is going to be fantastic under your leadership! Looking forward to working together on lash, banter and minge (not necessarily in that order).

Shayaan Afsar - unlucky for not winning, but all the effort and ideas you've put into LSE will not be forgotten. Been a pleasure working and campaigning with you on so many things. You ran a great campaign and should be really proud.

Catherine Nadeau - please find a way to be at LSE again next year!

Philip Pacanowski - thanks for being a legend and one of the funniest people I'll ever meet. Making me smile was probably the biggest task of this campaign but you always manage to achieve it!

Javier Sethness - for handing out leaflets and sticking up for me in front of judgmental anarchos!

Amina Adewusi - thanks for being a great SU officer and friend, and for your help out on the street.

Nada Mansy - you're a highly active person who deserves praise throughout the year, but thanks for your support throughout and during the campaign. People like you are probably taken for granted by the Union, so we should say thank you, thank you, thank you!

Harriet Jackson - thanks for your support! Hope we can work together on a lot of cool stuff next year!

Martha Kristine Syvertsen - even from New York, I appreciated your support! Been cool getting to know you better.

Michael Deas - for being a legendary journalist and an all around cool person. Thanks for all your support over the last two years and hopefully I can support you a lot next year!

Kai Hoffman - thanks for making me laugh about the campaign and for giving me your support!

Andreas Thorsen - for standing in front of the library in the cold and giving out leaflets you deserve a massive tusen takk!

Marte Loefman - thanks for your help, and inventing a dance, even if I didn't see it!

Vikas Katyal - for being a great laugh and a top guy! Was great having you out on the street.

Jem Stein - you did some amazing work out on the street! It's been great to meet people at Rosebery like you. I'm just sorry that I'm not around as much as I'd like!

Alex Jones - same for you man. Hope you had fun out on the street - you did a brilliant job and I owe you lots of drinks!

Sean Baker - thanks so much for being a cool neighbour and great campaigner! Your mum would be proud that you've helped out a lovely Welsh boy like me!

Hayley Williams - been great to get to know you this year, and thanks so much for taking time out of your super busy schedule to help!

Sasha Hoff - don't go back to the States! You are needed here and will be missed. Thanks for all your commitment and energy this year.

Adrian Rogstad - big, big thank you for helping even when you were feeling ill! Couldn't ask for more and I owe you big time!

Kat Short - thanks for being a big supporter and great friend. Even if your IR views smell a little!

Jamie Corley - thanks so much for offering support and help, and I hope I can "get shit done" and live up to your expectations!

Estelle Cooch - thanks for your help this year. Big things to come from you in the future! You must run for NUS again next year and then we can really shake the place up!

Vladimir Unkovski-Korica - we will struggle, we will struggle, we will never surrender. Would've been something special if you'd been elected but I hope you're around more next year!

Lizzie Fison - for being an inspiring, brilliant Officer and someone who has done so much for this Union and rightly earned a massive amount of respect. I will miss having you and your wisdom around campus, so expect some emails asking for help!

Elle Dodd - thanks for being critical and constructive, and keeping my head in the right place.

Daisy Mitchell-Forster - for honest advice and solidarity.

Mustafa Davies - you were a star in this, and I was honoured by the amount of work you did and the support you gave without me ever having to ask.

Emiliano Huet-Vaughan - thank you for all your help this year man. You will be missed! Give me a call if you ever explore the Land of Our Fathers.

Zainub Chohan - you're passion for the Palestinian cause is simply amazing, and I admire you a lot. Thanks for all your hard work on my campaign and throughout the year.

Jinan Bastaki - like Zainub, you are really inspiring for your sincere commitment to the cause. You're one of LSE's finest campaigners and most active people, so thank you so so much for everything!

Charlotte Galvin - for all your amazing work again throughout the year. You've got a lot of fire and fight, and that was something amazing to have out on the street helping. I'm sure there's much still to come but thanks so much!

Seph Brown - you're going to be an amazing Anti-Racism (And Diversity) Officer. Top man, really looking forward to this year!

Ruby Buckley - having you as Women's Officer will be amazing! Looking forward to it, Rubwyn.

Justus Rollin - I couldn't ask for a better, more suitable, or more likeable successor! I can't wait for the amazing things we'll get done next year! You're going to be a star.

Rowan Boase - thanks for being a lovely person, an inspiring campaigner and a great friend. You did a hell of a lot of work even at a busy time for PnP and Fairtrade Fortnight, so it was a special effort I massively appreciate!

Ziyaad Lunat - I remember when we first met 3 years ago in People and Planet, and you've been there with me on Palestine, anti-war, green and other issues. It's been a pleasure to call you comrade and the amount of work you do for good causes is both inspiring and scary!

Dan Sheldon - well, any campaign with both Ziyaad and you must be something special, so I am honoured! Going to be fun working together next year!

Wil Barber - so happy to see you win man. Who would've thought the Rosbery Generation would come of age like this? Talking of which...

Emmanuel Akpan-Inwang - unopposed or not, you were always going to win. You'll be amazing and I am looking forward to working with you and taking you around Cardiff on Aldwych Group handover. Been a realy privilege to know you and share some of your amazing wisdom, so I can only imagine how fun working with you is going to be.

Sadia Kidwai - can't wait for NUS Conference! You're a legend.

Fadhil Bakeer-Markar - for encouraging me, giving me advice and keeping my head up! When you're President of Sri Lanka, please remember me! I will be over to Colombo for some tea.

Joel Kenrick - for being a inspiration and for all the help you gave me at the start. I haven't forgotten it!

James Caspell - thanks for everything. I've learned so much that I now take for granted from you. I hope we will be comrades for life - united, together, in friendship and labour!

Olivier Darmouni - it says something when you're out all day for two days shouting until your hoarse to help someone else win an election, and then the day after you're on a stall for another fantastic cause. Your work on the street was absolutely incredible and I'm never going to forget it! The work you do at LSE on green issues is something special and you deserve big time recognition for brining ecology to LSE students in a number of different ways. Thanks so much!

Elisa Prosperetti - you rocked Houghton St. LSE won't be the same without you, and I'll miss you a lot.

Dan Yuen - thanks so much for standing up for me when you didn't have to. I don't think I've conveyed how much that meant to me and how touched I was, so thank you.

Saira George - again, you've put in more effort than I can ever deserve or thank you for, but I will try to find some way to repay you. Thanks for all your help and frienship ever since day one.

Tom Yeomans - you put in a massive effort that I really, really appreciate. It was fun to have you and the rest of the gang out on the street, and you put in so much time and effort that I cannot even begin to put into words what it meant. Plus the Philosophy gig afterwards was very cool and kept my mind off the impending result! Legendary work mate.

Dave Spindler and Laura Franklin - sorry to clump you together, but I'm thanking you for your particular joint contribution, which was a bloomin' marvellous effort! I really appreciate your friendship and companionship over the last 3 years, and hope we can look back on this in many years and smile. Plus I owe you lots of meals and nice things like that - I will cook Christmas dinner this year! It's an institution now.

Megan Gaventa - for all your hard work in PnP, Rosebery and just generally around LSE, you deserve massive thanks. But without your effort in this campaign, it wouldn't have come together the way it did. I wish I had your combination of passion and organisation. I'm going to have to keep working and learning until I can find out how you do it. You're a real inspiration.

Dan Dolan - if you develop a handshake on the day you meet someone, you've gotta realise you're onto something good. You've been there in every up, down, election and so on and put so much time, effort and intelligence into everything I've done, and never asked for anything in return. I owe you more than I can get my head around - this is as much your victory as mine. I'm going to find some way to pay you back but I'll never, ever forget it.

Matilda - thank you for coming into my life and being amazing, and then conveying that amazingness on the streets to voters. I would fall apart without you right now. We need to get that slice of cake from The Garrick!

Anyone I've forgotten - don't feel bad. I have a terrible memory and I am relying on Facebook to remind me!

I will post my manifesto and UGM speech up here for people to hold me to it next year. I can't wait to build a mass campaigning Union and represent LSE students to the school and the outside world.

It's sinking in and it's amazing.

Thank you! Here's to next year!

Anonymous said...

you bell end!

Anonymous said...


Can no one see through the vacuity and smarm of this Muslim-fasting Welshman? Pass the sick-bag.

Anonymous said...

glad i'm getting the fuck out of here anyway!

the lack of specific insight in to the efforts of these individuals (other than to blandly say they're "amazing"??) shows what little he actually cares for them.