Tuesday 4 March 2008

Icky crumbs

ISoc's 'Build-a-well' campaign is going really well. They're raising loads of cash by selling cakes and other fancies.

Problem is, that a comment by one of Buildiers (who reportedly looks just like Bob) revealed that the sweet, little cakes are actually out-of-date!!!!

Shock! Horror!

Look out for an epidemic of the well known eye-eating cake worm nibbling on a gut near you.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I was told not to take the ISoc cake's too because insider news said that they got the cakes free precisely because they are out of date!

Anonymous said...

Do u seriously expect us to give a cake thats worth 60p for a £1 donation, when it costs 40p per £1, admin charge to process the charity proceeds!

Anonymous said...

why would a reputable bakery give away "icky" products which they knew would be consumed? that's not exactly good publicity. let's get to the root of this pathetic accusation: ya'll are too lazy to raise money for a good cause yourself, and you feel better bringing down those who do.

FYI: out-of-date does not necessarily mean unsuitable for consumption. it's not illegal to sell, it's just store policy in certain places

Anonymous said...

Anonymous ISoccer implicitly accepts that cakes may be out of date then!

Breaking News: Alice Kington has banished the ISoc minions and their out of date cakes off Houghton Street. I think we need an SU investigation into the matter, oh wait I think they control the SU...

Anonymous said...

"implicitly accepting" something "may be" is the same as accepting it just as well may not be.

Lizzie said...

Erm, what kind of out of date? If it's best before rather than use by, they are way less likely to be a problem.