Wednesday 30 January 2008

Dilwyn declares

Taking a short break from being up Fadhil's arse, Aled Dildo is Fishy has sent out an email to his nearest and dearest declaring his intentions to run for Gen Sec. In Week fucking Four! Taking ambition to new heights, he has started asking for people to put posters up in halls already. Un. Fucking. Believable.

My favourite bit is this, entirely selfless, sentence:"I believe that, if we do everything we need to do in the campaign, I can win." Does Aled EVER stop giving? What a guy!

He seems rather desperate for fellow "progressives" to run for the other Sabb posts, and helpfully gives some advice to those who are considering running. Apparently you need to submit motions to the UGM, get society endorsements and write stuff for the Beaver. Well, fuck me with a feather! This hack hadn't a clue...


Anonymous said...

Dan I'd love you to post the whole email in full as a decent hack would!

Anonymous said...

Dear Shelly, given your campaign started when Tony Blair was still in power, I think this is a case of... pot. kettle. black. calling.

"Vote Dan Sheld-ON. Turn Apartheid Israel ON."

Anonymous said...

the moment we all waited these dark difficult months for... we can now go and set up the"million strong students for fisher" facebook group !
In the mean time he shouldn't be so modest as to declare his self-endorsement libellous - and allow it to be published on here with pride :)

Anonymous said...

Did it say something along these lines...

Hi all,

I've been meaning to send this email for a while but have only just got the chance to get around to writing it -tonight I've had an opportunity to reflect on things going on and to catch up. I get the impression that this email might seem a bit strange but I hope I don't sound like a complete idiot!

Essentially, this email is to confirm to you what many of you already know or have guessed: I will be running for General Secretary of the SU in the coming Lent Term Elections. I am not officially 'announcing' this - of course, many have already guessed - so please do not make it widespread public knowledge yet (not that many people will actually care)!

Last year, I stated that I would never run for Sabbatical, largely because I thought I would go off into the 'real world' of politics (wherever that is) but also because I thought that someone I trust and respect massively would run (they will go onto bigger and better things nonetheless!). But mainly, this year, I have realised how important certain things are to me - in particular, making this Union into an incredible, inspiring progressive force for change on campus, in wider society and internationally. It just feels like the right thing to do - I would love the opportunity to work full-time for the students of LSE and the causes we have all championed throughout our time here.

I have discovered that real politics happens at a grassroots level by people organising themselves for change. I believe students are well placed to do this - perhaps better placed than we will ever be again in our lives. Also, I think that GenSec is the position for me and suits what I am good at. I believe that, if we do everything we need to do in the campaign, I can win.

I do not want people to see or think of this as "my" campaign alone - this must be part of a wider progressive campaign in the elections for common goals and aims, putting competent candidates forward. In another sense, it is not me that has got me here - it is the support and inspiration of so many of you, without whom I would never have the confidence or desire to run for this position. Therefore, this campaign isn't about promoting me - it's about promoting progressive politics and active student participation.

We need to work out who else is standing for various positions. I have heard rumours and suggested people - but we need to work this out as soon as possible in the spirit of unity, as we have done in the past. So if you know that you or others are intending to run who aren't included here, please say and we can discuss how we can get as many progressives elected to positions. I am worried thus far, for instance, by the fact that I have not heard of anyone definitely going for Treasurer, EdWelfare or Comms that I consider to be part of the active or progressive characters at LSE - I hope there are people out there intending to or considering whether to run, or who know others that might, so that we can do as best we can.

I am sending this email to ask you to join my campaign and the campaign in general - you can give as much or as little time as you can, and any amount will be massively appreciated. The main things we need are listed below, with action points in CAPITALS (because Firefox on Web Outlook is not fancy and won't let me do bold or colours!):

1) People to poster in halls (I am in Rosebery, for example) for me and all the candidates we are supporting - PLEASE RESPOND IF YOU ARE IN HALLS STATING WHICH HALL YOU'RE IN

2) People to poster around campus
3) People to leaflet on the days of the election (Wedesnday 27th and Thursday 28th of February) between 10am and 6pm - PLEASE MARK THIS DATES IN YOUR DIARIES AND KEEP THEM FREE!

4) People to try democratically to secure society endorsements (I do not suggest that people 'stitch up' society endorsements; instead, we should work within societies that we're involved in to win votes in endorsement debates that are democratically decided by society members) - PLEASE REPLY WITH SOCIETIES YOU ARE A MEMBER OF THAT WE CAN WORK TOWARDS GAINING SUPPORT

5) People to write articles, letters and news items in The Beaver in the coming weeks highlighting progressive campaigns and particularly the individuals running for elections within those campaigns (to positively associate people with high profile things) - the right-wing have been notoriously good at this - PLEASE REPLY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC IDEAS OR ARTICLES FOR THIS

6) People to propose good motions at UGM with other people running, so as to get names out there and into The Beaver and so on - PLEASE REPLY IF YOU HAVE A SPECIFIC MOTION COMING UP OR AN IDEA FOR ONE

Please keep this email and any discussion within this group for now - we can add people when we see who is considering running and so on. Please "reply all" so that we can keep a good dialogue going!

I am really optimistic that this election can return caring, passionate, progressive candidates to a number of positions. We are in a great position at the moment and we should try our best to continue the good work we are all doing into another year. I look forward to working with you all in the spirit of unity, as we have done in the past.

In solidarity,
