Thursday 24 January 2008

Return of the (dirty) mac

Nice to see some old faces at the count of the secret UGM ballot today.

At one point, there were three generations of Returning Officer on stage: Bluetooth Bacon, Dolly Mixture and Billy "I resign... no Daisy, no" Barbershop Quartet. Ah well, at least they're good for something. The question on everyone's lips... where was Eerie Beciri?

Also milling around was Clement Nolonger-Young, who was moaning about something or other like a drunken Scot in the corner of a pub. Bless.

Special mention should also go to Gobinson, who decided to lighten the rather stern mood with sweets, chocolates and Pulse Radio... if only we could broadcast Pulse over the Middle East all the problems would be solved overnight!

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