Tuesday 29 January 2008

Bye bye C&S

C&S voted 3-2 to annul Thursday's UGM vote. Bookmakers have now stopped taking bets on their getting no confidenced.

This means that C&S have advised UGM Chair Meadway Jnr. to annul the vote. The ultimate decision lies with him, and either way he's going to get shit.

Oh dear.

Best bit of the meeting was the following exchange...
Kayt: I think we should all say thank you to Andy for chairing such a difficult meeting.
*applause from everyone*
Fadhil: Yeah and I think we should all say thank you to the Sabbs, too, for staying until 8pm.
*the sound of Fadhil clapping whilst everyone else shouted that they were actually paid to be there!*


Anonymous said...

my word.

Anonymous said...

As a certain AH would say, now go suck cock!