Thursday 24 January 2008

Awareless weeks

After Miss LSE-gate and banner-gate, Mrs Caspell has canceled one of the events in her Women's-come-anarcho-Trot Week, sending a rather disgruntled email to exec. Let's take a closer look at who is to blame for the shoddy awareness weeks...

Could it be the mild mannered Sabbs? Have they been too busy writing dodgy letters to give enough support to the part-time Officers? Awareness Weeks certainly haven't been high on their todo lists!

Perhaps it is the over-zealous societies, who are so keen to host their own "weeks" that they end up clashing worse than Sheldonstein's wardrobe. Note: this week it is Women's Week, India Week, Palestine Awareness Week (cheers for that, I wasn't aware beforehand) and Amy Winehouse on Crack Week.

Maybe it is the part-time exec officers themselves, who having achieved such a great office of state have realised its not all its cracked up to be. See also: fucking dire Exec meeting turnouts (maybe something to do with them being scheduled at ridic-o'clock? what kind of students do they think we are?!).

Or could it be "ordinary" students, so pissed off with the barrage of weeks, events, fundraisers and public lectures that they are, er, actually doing their fucking degrees? Surely not.


Anonymous said...

it has not been cancelled dan. i expect to see you 2pm in the graham wallas room.

Gossip Queen said...

Who is this Dan you speak of?