Tuesday 28 October 2008

Naughty, naughty muppet...

Beaker Saumtally-ho is a right heavy-weight.

Not content with being the single most incompetent human being to ever reign over C&S (and that is reeeeealy saying something) he's decided to muscle in on the elections and make a few people stand down.

The funny thing is, is that as he stupidly pressurised one wonderful candidate into stepping down using his own telephone to do it!

The conversation between the candidate on his phone and the Returning Officer went something like this:

'Hi Ossie, I'd like to step down please.'

'Isn't this Nadeem's number?!'


'Well, it is, because it says so on my phone.'

'Well, whatever you think Ossie, Nadeem is definitely, definitely not standing right next to me telling me that I have to stand down otherwise my life is going to be hell for the next couple of years.'

'I definitely believe you. Fine.'

And that is the tale of how nincompoop Nadeem 'Beaker' Saumtally bossed people into standing down from democratically elected electable elections.



Anonymous said...

Babes, that is sweet gossip.

You're the best, Hack Attack.

Anonymous said...

How dare you accuse my child! He couldn't put pressure on his penis to save his life, let alone a *girl*