Wednesday 29 October 2008

Dum, dum dum dum, der-der dum-dum...

(That's the baseline to 'Heard It Through The Grapevine' if you didn't get it...)

But apparently beef will be hitting the fan at the UGM tomorrow, with no-confidences a go-go directed towards Chair-Of-UGM-And-Nameless-Election-Candidate, and C&S...

The Terribly Reasonable One apparently dabbles about in online smuggery on a self-important Hack Attack rip-off, along with two chums who also happen to be election candidates. And somebody is out to out them, which is nice. The boring constitutional question is whether they breach electoral rules yaddah yaddah. The more interesting bit is watching Monsieur Chair be, look guys, terribly, guys, reasonable about the whole thing, guys.

And why pick on poor C&S? Whispers are that poor Beaker has had an ultimatum from GenSec telling him to stand down, or face another vote of no confidence at the UGM. We asked hishonorable self for a quote, but he batted us away with a stern brace of high pitched squawks.

Well that should all be fun...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And where were the no confidences at the UGM?
