Thursday 23 October 2008


I love the smell of desperate self-promotion in the morning. The Michaelmas Term elections are always good for spotting a few names of next term's GenSec candidates. For example, Helen "Didn't Lose Residences Even Though She Did" Roberts is running for Residences Officer, Court of Governors and Academic Board - either she's genuinely dedicated to improving the student experience in all aspects of life at School; or, she's realised that she might need to bolster her HackCV if she's running for a sabb position this year, as 'Repeatedly resigned from C&S' doesn't really cut the mustard...

Other repeat nominations, which you can RON away to your heart's content are Prakhar Bahuguna (???) and K-Hole "No I'm not Alan from Conferences, or that racist guy from King's" . They clearly think both a dossy jobs which will take up little time but give them a shiny title on their CV. RON RON RON.

And looking down the list of candidates who've put themselves forward for positions this term, a few names stand out. Like don't those Sheldon and Akpan-Inwang chaps do something around these parts? Don't we pay them for something or other? Ah yes, that's right, we pay them to go up to the Annual LabourStudent Piss Up and Wank Fest that is NUS conference, where they can have their tummies tickled by some New Labour wonk, and so decide that top-up fees won't be such a bad thing after all.

And do they really need to sit on the Court of Governors? GenSec already goes along to that to represent the Union, other students sit on it to represent those that aren't held sway by ego-hacks. Either EA-I and DS feel that Aled won't do a good enough job, and they need to check up on him, or, as previously posted, they're coming down with a nasty bout of Baconitits. (was going to edit this typo, but I like the thought of Bacony-tits)

And one last thing, why wasn't Barber Beancounter included in the fun?


Anonymous said...

I've already pulled out as I recognized the futility of running in an election dominated by hacks.

Baconitis is certainly contagious. Maybe we should quarantine him.


Anonymous said...

Bacon for GenSec!

No james, only joking...