Wednesday 7 February 2007

Jimmy done a boo boo

OK, picture the scene. You are a moderate GenSec under fire from the loonies for speaking out against their anti-Sutherlandness. After narrowly avoiding censure, you are faced with a dilemma - one of the SU's two reps to Council is on holiday... what should you do?

How about organising a kangaroo election and taking the recommendation of the absentee rep by appointing Steady Eddy - the last man in the LSE who doesn't have a single bone to pick with baby eater Sutherland. Sounds good to me! Top it off by not informing the two leftie Court of Governors reps of your decision, despite one of them being present (but 15 mins late) at the 'selection' meeting. Cue scenes of shouting between Tammy and Gobby/Fadhil in front of the Beaver after the lefties saw Steady Eddy swagger past their relieve-me-of-guilt-for-i-am-standing-for-election demo. Oops... massive oops!

What's that smell? Aaah - must be another censure!
N.B. Special mention to Dave Vincenti who - at the height of the slanging match - suggested that it would be better that "SU business was not conducted in front of the Beaver and LooSE". Better behind closed doors, eh?

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