Thursday 29 January 2009

Wanted: returning officer, preferably one who won't quit right before the busiest bit of the year

Panic in the streets today as Ossified Fikret, moments after announcing (the joy!) another C&S by-election nominations closed, sent the Exec, C&S and various hangers-on into a tizz by giving the impression that he no longer wanted to do the Returning Officer job.

Cue new C&S chair AliAgnethaBenniBjornAni-Frids wandering the Quad offering the position to people seemingly at random - ex-UGM chair Joe Meadway turned it down, and James Sausage didn't seem to keen to take up the post, despite having previous.

The question of course is why anyone would want to do the job - particularly since it would rule them out of running in any elections this term...

And as a note to Mr Fikret, if you do want to step down, take a leaf out of the Beancounter's book and do it via impassioned cry for Openness! Progress! Being Nice! at the UGM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Spotted: Bacon harrassing Fikret about Constitutional amendments in the Quad. Think he was trying (and incidentally failing) to be intimidating, there was lots of leaning in and arm folding going on.