Sunday 18 January 2009

As the Obama Express pulls into Washington, retracing the steps of Abraham Lincoln and breaking new ground in the field of vomit-raising mawkish imagery, and as the Old Theatre gains a certain fug in the air that really lets you know that it's been occupied for three days now, let's drag our eyes away and gawp over a few names being bandied around for Sabb elections this term...

Ed Welfare
Ruby Buckley - mooncups a-go-go from the current women's officer
Lizzie Merrow- L/G/B/T/self-defined sexuality so like well not in a lettered box so you can't define me
Helen Roberts - lost last year's residences officers' race. Whinged. Had Emma Swimming-With-The-Fischer offed. Is now residences officer. Don't cross her.
Fart-hil Barking Mad - latest rumours have him running for Ed Welfare. Apparently is all for the abortion fund, and 8/10 students said they would rather talk to him about their problems than their own mother.

Smelle Dodd - playing the legacy of hair card, hopes her heritage of curls carrying on from Meyer and Barber will play well with an electorate who will struggle to know who she is
Sophie De La Catessen - AU prez, newly elected to Court and Council, and presumably a shoe-in for whatever she choses to run for. So why not go for a job where you don't actually have to do anything, like

Where, since Squeezy-Peas let it be known he wasn't running, the current Supreme Leader looks to set to run unopposed ad infinitum, or at least ad constitutionalamendmentum...


Anonymous said...

Bacon for GenSec! I'd rather he win instead of Aled...

Anonymous said...

I think Mr Palestine is a lot more likely for treasurer, after all, look at all the lovely publicity and megaphone waving he has enjoyed.

Anonymous said...

Aled not running for GenSec and Dan for Comms (again)? What about our beloved Joseph Brown?

Anonymous said...

Allowing sabbs to re-run would be an absolute disgrace to the student population. Running on a platform of 'experience' and 'unfinished work' really sells the current student population short - its just not good enough.

Suggesting that this allows students more choice is ludicrous - the choice has been reduced due to the inevitable scramble for the only post to be vacated by the incumbent - Treasurer (and he's probably the only one worth re-electing).

General Dictator and The Educator have already had immeasurable coverage in the Beaver and publically effectively launched their election campaign - good job THEY proof read it so well.... Propaganda Minister will probably follow suit imminently...

Additionally, its Fishy that Captain Campaign abandoned his facebook cause a la mode because of not wanting to shake things up with the School. 1 - he was elected on this platform, and 2 - if he wasnt plotting his reelection he'd actually be able to stand by his principles and support students (what he's paid for!!).

No re-runs please!

Anonymous said...

someone should make sure helen knows that you can't complain your way to a sabb post, just look how far it got ketts

Anonymous said...

Don't try and make excuses for the pariah sabbs... unless you are one (Dan)