Thursday 15 January 2009

Occupation alert!!!

If you think that Israel's occupation of Palestine is abhorrent, and that the pending military control of Gaza is wholly unacceptable, then think of how the poor LSE Security staff must be feeling that a cartel of Hamas sympathisers have occupied their Old Theatre! An initial communication from inside the battle zone reads as follows:

"Occupation in Old Theatre established in protest against LSE investment in firms that arm Israel. We will win. Please join."

Thanks for the invite...I'll pass.

Knowing exactly when they will have won is as yet unclear, however, what we do know is that it must surely be a damn sight harder to win whilst sitting down than standing. It seems they are either nobly handicapping themselves to give LSE Security a fighting chance or are simply too lazy. It is predicted this will be a staring battle of brutal attrition.

Don't expect to see too many off-target mortars in this one...


Anonymous said...

Update @ 16:28: Folk still sat on stage. Aled appointed himself 'Liaison' between protesters and school - unusual code word for 'being a pussy and not wanting to upset anyone'.

Witzzend said...

jolly well done to the UGM for solving the middle-east crisis in one teeny tiny motion. ahMEHzin really how a group of self-sacrificin self-less individuals managed to do in one sweaty theatre, what esteemed politicians had failed to manage. marvellous really!
Now on to other businuess, who's going to motion censure the officer for anti-semitism, joe brown (which would be his name, if he weren't a bit of a pretentious twat)? come on, IsSoc, we all know you've got the vitriol in you!

Anonymous said...

Poetic - somewhat reminiscent of grandmaster DJ Swansong at the Sutherland protest a few mooons ago.... Except Swansong was actually quite effective.