Friday 7 November 2008

Go on boy, roll over...

Howie Dizzle didn't exactly woo the UGM yesterday, after refusing to even believe that there was any problem between police and students at the NAB opening, refusing to give any ground over the nursery, refusing to accept any responsibility for the credit crunch what he caused, refusing to believe the afternoon started after noon each day, and (a little bizzarely) taking time to have a quick jog about the place. He came across as a senile, pointy-eared, whinging, stroppy scrotum, and found his charm didn't wash with students quite as easily as it had in the past. People are getting frustrated with him, and rightly so.

So, you might question why Gashley Tang, re-elected Court of Governors representative, chose that moment to stand up, introduce himself to his baffled public, and declare he had absolutely no politcs whatsoever. Good work. Just when we need some loud voices about the place to remind the decision makers in the school that the Nursery has more than enough value to justify a £6000 per place (Papa Davies' figure yesterday), we manage to re-elect someone who proudly declares himself to have no opinions.

He has of course been re-elected. His performance at Court last year has been described as 'mute' and 'fucking useless'. So that's all good then isn't it.

So here's to Gashley Tang's second term on Court, may he be the loudest blank-face mute sitting around that table this year.

(Pseudonymed @ 21:23, 11/11/08)


Anonymous said...

Well he only got elected and re-elected because of blind voting by the PRC Army. The Maoists will never change!

Anonymous said...

I don'tknow what he said at the UGM and though I am aware he tends to avoid controversy, could 'Hack Attack' please reveal who was miss informed enough to claim that Ashley Tan was 'f*cking useless'? Perhaps they - along with 'anonymous'- would have the balls to reveal themselves?

At the MT meeting of Court, Ashley made an extremely powerful and eloquent contribution to a discussion on the poor-provision of teaching. It was useful and plainly sincere and hence brought to the attention to lay Governors a lot of the issues which Howard et al are nnormally adept at glossing over.

Just because Ashley is from South East Asia does not mean he is elected by a blind electorate simply for his ethnicity nor does he do it simply for his own ego.

Hack Attack should be able to write what it likes, and once it was entertaining. But if it's no longer funny and simply going to be a forum for the immature and lilly-livered - too insecure in their own skins to reveal who they are whilst stabbing people in the back - What's the point ?

Anonymous said...

Hack attack sucks

Anonymous said...

Mr Oliver, naturally I cannae reveal my sources - c'est la code de journos, as the French say.

Your right about Hack Attack not being as funny anymore though. Tell us a joke to cheer us all up.

Anonymous said...

Ah Dolly, still can't let go can you, that's lovely, really it is.
Is that the only thing Tan said, because really, you would think in a year he could contribute more than one touching speech about teaching. Did you ever say anything?