Monday 1 March 2010

Just like Polly(H)annah

Once upon a time, in a land far away there was a girl. Every morning she woke up with bright shiny eyes and a spring in her step.
"Good Morning Room.
Good Morning Sunshine.
Good Morning Mummy and Daddy.
Good Morning Land Rover.
Good Morning World.
Today we're going to save the environment. It's going to be so totally amazing!"
And so she got ready for another day.
All this girl really wanted was to rid the Students' Union of waste and unethical practices. But the mean Returning Officer said she had to run an election campaign to do it... (boo hiss)
So she picked some fake flowers and made sure there was no leather in her wardrobe and dazzled all of the mean spirited future Investment Bankers of LSE and that kiddies, is how Pollyanna won the E&E race.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning sunshine and good morning world, I definitely get...but good morning landrover??! I'm an ecowarrier living in central London; Landrovers aren't really my thing!