Tuesday 3 March 2009

Tip that down your Gully

Hacks were quaking in their boots. The seasoned geeks had hopped off to Wankside for the annual freak-show, famously so rubbish that even the residents cannot be arsed to go down for free pizza.

They were not quaking because no-one was there. No, that voting malarkey and that whole pretending to give a s*** and stuff is so overrated and is a right pain.

What got the fruitcakes a little on edge was that Gully, to use a quote from a stander-by ‘absolutely pissed all over them [other candidates, of course…].’ Uh-oh. The hacky hegemony could be coming to an end. He wooed the audience with his raving rants and lived up to his lowly name by tipping alcohol down his Gully. Fishy thought he’d add to his bad smell by tipping his drink down himself- the things people will do to win a game!

Fishcake looked worn and grumbled a lot. The only thing to put a smile on his face was Barmy Barton’s quick meander off the path of trigger happy IR department emails for a moment to create a novel idea. Barmy wanted to introduce a new position of post-grad officer. Down your Gully followed suit, licking Barmy’s GenSecular area by simpering his congratulations of thinking up such a novel idea. It certainly would be a very good idea to have something as new and obvious as a post-grad officer. Rat Catcher looks forward to the part-time exec hustings. Barmy will be so pleased that his great ideas are being implemented so quickly, and he hasn’t even won yet- the LSESU is so efficient these days.

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