Friday 26 September 2008


To those who missed not being able to function for the spine-shivering anticipation that these notes bought you, this Hack-a-soppy-pup missed you too. Not out of affection, but for the warm, daily glow your errors bought to scores about campus.

To those who are new about town, stick about. It's gonna be super fun!

And to those cheap, copy-cat bastards who thought they'd take it upon themselves to build 'Hack Attack 2' in this Hack-a-siesta's absence: Jesus has a message for you downstairs. Hack Attack doubts very much that your weblog will be "more subtle and more well-written" based upon your so far feeble attempts of using a keyboard. Good luck in "presenting humourous satirical without descending into childish name calling." This Hack-a-buildo is not in the business of having his 'mistakes' pointed out by a quality of tongue so low.

Learn how to write, yea?


Anonymous said...

Remove the photo, it is extremely offensive to Christians, and thus somewhat narrows down who the author might be. Very bad taste, not funny, not pertinent.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw the poster above in the Old Theatre on Saturday... speaking in tongues.