Wednesday 28 October 2009

Is it just me or is everything a bit shit?

Crappy Beavers, boring UGMs, sub-prime events, third-division candidates... can this year get any more dire if it tried?

But have no fear. It's been a long long summer but your sac-er-red Queen is back to challenge the hegemony of STK-line.

And what a poor imitation his Art Attack blog is, although it does at least look lovely thanks to his fuckbuddy in the Beaver office. Still, it's nice for him to have another outlet, as clearly two Beaver EdBoard positions, 464.5 jobs and a joint Masters isn't enough for the long lost Gallagher brother.


Suck on this said...

At least he has one more fuckbuddy than you have.

Anonymous said...

Who is his fuck buddy

Anonymous said...

Dan's mum