Monday 7 April 2008

Do some revision

.. but before you do, have a gander at this cringeworthy Green Party video featuring a certain Mr. Dildo-is-Fishy:

Note how it is filmed at Dalston Market - not really the usual market of choice for the Green Party voters of North London (unless they are doing a spot of poverty tourism, of course!). This Hack reckons Aled should pop down to Stoke Newington for some organic venison... he's looking a bit pale on this video. If Sian "doing it for the fit" Berry fancies a bit of meat, I'm sure the Feather Hustler would oblige...


Anonymous said...

Ouch. That's cringeworthy indeed

Anonymous said...

shudder-worthy indeed. but if you want to scream, click "attend" on the 'reclaim the campus' at LSE facebook event. A bunch of spoilt prats from Sheffield Uni and elsewhere are organising seminars on the art of how to organise a sit-in (DO tip #1: sit down) and presumably by lunchtime, will have won free education and an end to all war as well as poverty.

Might hope LSE students would be enlightened enough not to mess about at these kind of things but there you can see our heir apparent on the attendee list.

Unfortunately these people who have apparently only been acquainted with a chimeral middle class world of infinite resources, don't realise that there's no Government conspiracy to ban the above , but rather things have a cost and different things need to be prioritised.

Primary Schools in Moss side actually probably need money more than these guys need a full living grant so they can travel across the country hectoring the rest of us about their moral superiority...

Anonymous said...

Good points, Whig.

i wonder who has booked the rooms for this 'reclaim the campus' event? Are the organisers affiliated with LSE? Have they paid for it?

Societies may only book rooms for events that are for the benefit of LSE students and are organised and administered by the society/ies named on the booking. The society/ies making the booking must be named on all publicity material and posters for the event and must take full responsibility for the running of the event. Societies are not permitted to make bookings on behalf of external organisations including their sponsor(s) or the national body to which they are affiliated. External organisations that wish to hold events at LSE are expected to pay for room hire and should contact LSE Event Services to make arrangements.

Anonymous said...

Whig - Your opportunity cost argument for the impoverished on Moss Side is a bit premature given the billions spent on invading countries illegally and renewing Trident could in fact be reallocated to provide equal access to higher education rather than marketising it. Abolishing Trident alone would cover top up fees for years.

Windfall tax on the 13 odd billion in profit that Shell has just declared might also help fill the black hole for a fair society, as would taxing private equity barons and non-doms, which even the liberal democrats support (though perhaps that's the Huhne-ite Euro-Communist wing?)

I love the way the way liberals dress up their selfish politics as thinking of others poorer than themselves.

You're right - its far better to do nothing. Perhaps a "Donate the Campus to the City of London" event should be held instead?

Anonymous said...

Fishy Dildo replies to Tittybum's concerns about how he's gonna do two jobs at once on the facebook group:
Said Dildo, "The Green Party is not going to win in the North-East - yet. We get around 15% there, which is great, but we'd need a massive swing this time to win. I'm running to build up the vote so that one day we will win (and hopefully I'll be around as the candidate to do it), but the chances of winning this time are slim.
Furthermore, if I won, I would not be allowed to do both jobs by the SU (you can only have one job), so I'd have to choose. However, I'm not going to have to choose so I will be Gen Sec next year, and I can't wait to get started."
How fishy.
Well, unlike the Barking Moron, he is honest.

Anonymous said...

and of course, one can't fail to notice that according to Fishy's profile pic on facebook, team Ken-5-by-3-not-4-by-4-Livinstone beat Sian-what's-that-above-the-A-Berry by 2 goals to 1.
Admitting defeat before election even starts must be tough for the Greens, who are used to announcing victories before the election (Beaver ed, Israel debate etc)