Saturday 10 May 2008

GAG him senseless

Isn't charity meant to be filled with kind hearted, generous, and just plain nice souls?

Apparently, the desire to be at the top of the RAG tree has produced behaviour normally witnessed in underhanded, role-stuffing Tory MP-wannabes.

The race for GAG President president has been marred by sly and dastardly (though admittedly original) behaviour from our favourite ex-British prisoner migrant Ben Philips Philips Ben Ben Philips (did he mention his name was Ben Philips?). The proxy system was sabotaged by Philips, not by use of shrimp, BBQ or cork hats, but by jumping on to unsuspecting students Outlook whilst they nipped off to the bog - to do whatever it is people do there - and sending in proxy votes for himself in their name. Hack Attack has no idea how many people he mugged off in this manner, but a good estimate might maybe be 57, or possibly even 142.

The disgraced Oz-bag has also reported cheated in a number of other ways. Perhaps by locking groups of 20 or so in S08 and forcing them at tong-point to vote for him, whilst hypnotising them with ancient Aboriginal calls? Or by simply annoying people (thought to be his preferred tactic).

Ben 'mental trousers' Jones was also running for the position, but didn't commit any political crime, just those againsto fashion in general.

Normally when people cheat in elections the guilty are disqualified. But because the RAG lot are so charitable, they've offered to give Philips a second shot.

Charity should not extend to the dogs that bit the hand...


Anonymous said...

Tasteful pic...

If Ben Philips Ben Philips did rig the election, he didn't do it in a very sophisticated or subtle manner. Besides, anyone holding an election by e-mail deserves to be shot.

As for this being described as "behaviour normally witnessed in underhanded, role-stuffing Tory MP-wannabes", he is after all a Tory supporter (Boris Johnson in particular). Trying to erase that data off his Facebook profile didn't exactly help either.

Gossip Queen said...

It's getting a bit ZANU-PF in the SU of late...

Anonymous said...

word on the street is that mental trousers wasn't actually as squeaky clean and cheating free as hack attack would have you believe.

Anonymous said...

Just ban the schmuck from running in all elections and watch the fanny go crying back to his mummy.

Anonymous said...

oh god, please dont compare Boris to Ben Philips. surely Boris dosent deserve that?!

Anonymous said...

Good point Bob, Boris won his election fair and square! The returning officer will be coming down hard on this.

Tip to anyone using the LSE computers - press WindowsKey+L to lock your workstation while you are away to prevent this happening. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete and selecting Lock Computer will also do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Only at the LSE could a bunch of young people manage to turn a fantastic charitable institution into a game of dastardly careerist politics...what was wrong with RAG in the first place? Why did it have to go year long and bureaucratic?

With respect to the hard working people who gave their souls to it ..the amount of money raised by RAG this year certainly wasn't enough of an improvement on last year's RAG week to justify smothering the whole thing in Collectives, Elections and Committees, making it far less appealing to be a part of...

Anonymous said...

It's also alleged that he used his position as RAG secretary to add people he thought would vote for him to the Collective, even though they were not eligible having not participated in any Rag event. Despite this, he still managed to lose the vote.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is - what a total cocksucker! The guy even looks like the devil when you stare into the squint in his eye.