Friday 25 February 2011

The Many Faces of Imnot Fubar

1. The Kumoront: 'cause early bird gets the worm. Except Gaddafi's donation was over a year ago and he only just found out about it.

Left vs Centre

The election season is upon us once again.

Silence on Hack Attack does not mean that all has been well with the Union this year. Let us start by recalling the bygone days of the Fishy Dildo Show; while the writer laments the days of his tyrannical rampages on the UGM stages. Instead we have tyrannical rampages of another kind, but not from our esteemed GenSec, Lotte Get-a-radar, but from her snuggle-buddy, Imnot Fubar.

Fubar is a man of dedication and passion, so much of the two that he single-handedly alienated 95% of the student body within a month of coming into office. Bravo sweetheart, that must be a new record.

Never fear, if you never engaged with these chaps before, you have the option of continuing the status quo with the upcoming elections, since almost all races have a candidate from Fubar's camp. On the other hand, you get the other extreme with all these eager Yanks wanting to represent each and every one of you...

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Under new ownership

We're back... just in time to save the Union from destruction.