Monday 21 April 2008

Hallett for homos

Andy "H" Hallett, clearly unsatisfied with the female species, has turned his mind to Grecian matters during this Olypmic season.

Check out Andy's new Gaydar profile if you're interested. Apparently he likes art, good food and.. er... guys cuming on his face.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Best. PEB. Ever.

Party Election Broadcasts are always a highlight of the vote-grabbing season. Who can forget Kinnock: The Movie, Natural Law's yoga hopping or the Clinton 3AM call?

But now the "UKIP Plus" English Democrats, fronted by part time superhero Matt O'Connor, has taken the PEBiscuit with a classic broadcast for the mayoralty. Comedy cock-er-nees, heartwarming music and emotive imagery - it has it all! Highlight is 2:50 in... I won't spoilt it!

Extraordinarily, the party seems to think this is a sensible comparison....

And this a good, not-xenophobic-at-all idea for a billboard poster!

P.S. Normal LSE-centric coverage returns soon... unless any more of our hacks decide to stand for the London Assembly.

Monday 14 April 2008

I think I fancy you...Boris!

This hack-a-gibber-mouth wonders how much the Johnson campaign had to do with this..?

Monday 7 April 2008

Do some revision

.. but before you do, have a gander at this cringeworthy Green Party video featuring a certain Mr. Dildo-is-Fishy:

Note how it is filmed at Dalston Market - not really the usual market of choice for the Green Party voters of North London (unless they are doing a spot of poverty tourism, of course!). This Hack reckons Aled should pop down to Stoke Newington for some organic venison... he's looking a bit pale on this video. If Sian "doing it for the fit" Berry fancies a bit of meat, I'm sure the Feather Hustler would oblige...

Thursday 3 April 2008

The return of the Wall

Lost a Gen Sec race? Bored with revision? No whiskey nights to berate vacuous shits? Why not audition to be a Daily Mail columnist by voicing your reactionary opinions on a blog?

Click here
to read Steve 'Lend us a fiver' Wall in all his unadulterated, no-holes-barred, cab driver glory. Feast on his opinions about immigrants, Muslim head dress, Labour, The Guardian, political correctness and 'diversity'!

A welcome addition to the blogosphere, I'm sure you'll agree...

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Whilst obviously very busy running the LSE, Howie "Barrell legend" D took some time out to attend a rather exclusive dinner date last week. The occasion? The State Banquet at Windsor Castle in honour of Nicolas "I've had more gash than Nick Clegg" Sarkozy. Sitting next to him is Jack Straw, and he is just 2 places away from The Frog and 1 away from the Horse.

Howard Davies: more connected than a BT exchange.

Hat tip to The Baron Hallett.

Full video: